Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This coat must be woven out of my hopes and dreams, because it's the most beeeee-autiful coat I've seen in such a long time.  This gem is from a Montreal based company called Mackage that makes the most exquisite outerwear.  Seriously, check out their website and gawk to your heart's content.
Discovered on Hey, Lady Grey, one of my new favorite blogs.


  1. love. this. thanks for the introduction!

  2. i looooove jackets so much. I want so very many of them.

  3. Wow, I blogged about my lust for this coat a few weeks back. The price tag is killing me, but if it's still in stock, I plan to get it around Christmas time!

  4. Weird, my co-worker has this jacket!! Great to see it on your blog.
